Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We need YOUR help to set up, clean up or help at the AfterProm itself! Please contact Jan Mack as soon as possible if you can make it! We are shorthanded right now, and can't make the night a success for our kids without more people! Even an hour or two will make a difference -- you don't have to be there during all the hours listed each day!

AfterProm Set-Up

• Tuesday, May 3 (3pm – 9pm)
• Wednesday, May 4 (3pm – 9pm)
• Thursday, May 5 (3pm – 9pm)

• Friday, May 6 (8am - all day)

After Prom Night – The actual event
• Friday, May 6 (11pm – 3am)

After Prom Breakdown – Clean up, putting items in storage shed
• Saturday, May 7 (8am)

*Need a volunteer with a pick-up truck to help move items back into storage shed
Food Donations Needed:
Bagels, Candy (individually wrapped), Chips (snack size bags), Churro, Cookies, Donuts
Drinks (Gatorade, Juice Boxes, Iced Tea Boxes, Soda), Fruit Bowls (Strawberries, Grapes, Bananas), Pretzel Trays (Soft nugget pretzels – Example: Philly Pretzel Factory)

After Prom Volunteer Coordinator Jan Mack @ 382-4420 jan@youthresources.com

Students -- Looking for volunteer hours?

If you are not attending the Prom and AfterProm, you are encouraged to volunteer at the AfterProm from midnight to 3am. Help will also be needed to clean up the lobby & gym from the AfterProm on Saturday, May 7th. Email Gen Piatt at genni@thepiatts.net if you want to help.

Go to aiduponths-ptsa.com for our website
To add/remove an email address, please forward your name and email to kelly@thepiatts.net.

Kelly Piatt, AIHS PTSA